The music of poetry - the poetry of music
A project of spoken word and music
prepared and performed by
Sylva Lauerová - recitation of her own poems
Petr Bláha – recitation
Jitka Baštová – accordion
Jindřich Macek - lute
In the programme The music of poetry – the poetry of music Sylva Lauerová, a Czech writer and poet, introduces her contemporary poetic work. Selected poetic reflections from the years 2010 - 2012 are performed not only by the author alone, but also by Petr Bláha, an actor of the National Theatre Brno. The atmosphere of the poetry, reflecting painful and lyrical states of the human soul and unfriendliness of the contemporary world, is enhanced by onomatopoeically colourful musical compositions arranged for an unusual interpretative duo - a unique combination of the sound of an aerophone (where sound is produced by vibration of the air column) and a historical instrument - lute.
The project had its premiere on 19 May 2012 in the chamber hall of the right wing of the Prague Exhibition Centre in Holešovice during the 2012 Prague International Book World Fair.
In addition to the selected poems by Sylva Lauerová you can also hear compositions by J. Feld, J. Dowland, P. P. Raimond, C. Debussy and R. Turovský.
Concert halls, galleries, chapels, churches, castles and outdoor atria are suitable settings for the realization of this concert programme.
Sample of the programme
John Dowland - Would my conceit that first enfore‘d my woe
Recorded in the VanaS-D studio, Hlinsko
The program can be ordered here...